High Schoolers Invited to a Convention Lock In

High school students across the Diocese are invited to the lock-in for the 193rd Convention of the Diocese of Georgia. The event starts at 6 pm Friday, November 7th with a low country boil and entertainment by Charlie and the Foxtrots (pictured at right).

On Saturday, November 8th, lock-in participants will travel to the Jekyll Island Convention Center to lead morning worship and be a part of the youth presentation. The event will conclude at  12 Noon on Saturday, November 8th.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Everyone will meet at Honey Creek on Friday night and sleep in the dorms.  On Saturday, the group will have breakfast and Honey Creek and then travel to the Jekyll Island Convention Center.  Departure home will be at 12PM from the Convention Center at 75 N. Beachview  Drive, Jekyll .
$49.  This covers the low country boil, Friday entertainment- including Charlie and the Foxtrots, lodging in the dorm at Honey Creek, and an event t-shirt.
Who are Charlie and the Foxtrots?
A melting pot of sounds, Charlie and the Foxtrots draws on its members’ influences to create poppy, energetic writing intertwined with country/folk instrumentation reminiscent of Fleet Foxes and Local Natives.  Chas Wilson on vocals & guitar and Jeremy Webster  on Piano, Accordion, & jug are two members of they seven piece band.  They grew up in the Diocese of GA youth programs.
What is happening on Saturday at Convention?
On Saturday, participants will wake up, have breakfast and hit the road for the Jekyll Island Convention Center.  There they will lead morning worship for the Convention and present the youth video which they will film before the weekend and edit on Friday night.  After the presentation, the youth will get a play-by-play of what is happening at convention from Roger Speer and Misty Graham including what resolutions are being voted on and what goes into the budget that is later voted on.

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