Register now for Happening

Happening #97 will be held at Honey Creek September 16-18, 2016, and is open to those in grades 10 – 12.

Happening Group PhotoDuring a Happening weekend, participants worship, play, sing, and talk about God’s place in their lives. They make new friends who share similar concerns and questions – a reassuring discovery. A teenager who acts as “rector” leads the weekend with the help of a staff consisting mostly of young people. Some staff members give challenging talks, after which there’s time for discussion and activity. Together, the staff and participants share in an exploration of the impact of Christian faith in their daily lives. Happeners who attend a weekend for their first time are called “Candidates.” To be a Candidate, one must:

  • Have completed the 9th grade and have not begun college.
  • Fill out the application:

Happening costs $101 to attend, and financial assistance is available. For more information, please visit the Diocese of Georgia Happening website.

Happening #97 Rector: Ashley Walker

Click here to register for Happening.


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